Our families consistently say Roncalli offers a fantastic education in a small, family atmosphere. We invite you to prayerfully consider Roncalli for your family, too!
Learn more about RoncalliGood luck to the boys and girls basketball teams at the Roncalli Classic on Saturday
Small ornaments and gifts are available for purchase for Bridge Builder gifts or your other gift giving needs. All items are 50 cents and available outside of the STREAM Lab. Proceeds go to the Junior class/ Dinner Dance.
School will be dismissed today at 1:00 pm and resume at 8:00 am on January 6, 2025.
The Faculty and Staff wish you all a very Blessed Christmas and Joyous New Year! Enjoy your break!
Roncalli is proud to offer a faith based education in a small school environment full of caring educators. We invite you to take a closer look at what Roncalli can offer your family!